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The Origins of Hate Week, aka Oregon v Washington

The seeds of hatred, mutual distrust and envy between Oregon and Washington were sown in 1916.

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Random vintage image dept.



This might be called the “End over end” play, but call it what you like, it caused a further scrambling of Pacific Coast football dope when Arleigh Bentley, University of Oregon quarterback, hit the Stanford line on the 3-yard mark, and wound up heels over head — but across for a touchdown. This resulted in a 7-7 tie in a game the dopesters had given to Stanford Indians by at least two touchdowns. (NY CHI CLEVE LA SF FR SEAT)  10-10-36

Found on ebay, 10/18/11.


Oregon vs Colorado: A prehistoric series, part V

A look back at another game in the Oregon - Colorado series, this one the 1978 season opener in Boulder, when Rich Brooks was ebullient about some highly touted recruits, but rode into Colorado as a 20 point underdog.

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"There will always be a bonfire."

click to embiggen

“Although the 1958 Homecoming festivities advertised the “New Look on Campus,” notably the scholastic side of the University, some things haven’t changed and probably never will. Take the Homecoming bonfire, for instance. There will always be a Homecoming bonfire. This year’s bonfire was graced by dancing rally girls, but whether this is a war dance or a rain dance wasn’t clear at press time. In either event its main success was in producing a striking picture for photographer Nathan Bull. The next day Oregon lost the “war” to WSC 6-0 and the rain slashed down in solid sheets.
— Old Oregon, 1958



By 1972, the annual Homecoming bonfire was a thing of the past, done in by City of Eugene regulations against open burning.


RSS feeds

Devoted Readers:

It has been brought to my attention (thanks, Jared!) that the apparently peculiar arrangement of “pages” on this site for different types of subject matter has broken the utility of the main RSS feed, which is based on the “tales” page, and which hasn’t been updated since Sept 23. New entries in the “Program Project” or “the suffering” journals are not being reliably syndicated as a result.

In the future I’ll drop an excerpt onto the Tales page with a link to new entries on the other pages.

I’ve also added a couple of RSS entries onto the Stuff dropdowns. One is a standard Squarespace page that contains RSS feeds to all three journals. The other, “RSS mashup”, uses rssmix to combine all three into a single feed. 

Never send a 54 year old to do a 24 year old’s job. I’ll get the hang of this intertube stuff someday.

Your pal,


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